An Offshore Account

I don’t like to be late. And I don’t like to be lost. I find both states deeply unsettling, breaking, as they do, the temporal and spatial maps we hold fast to in our heads. So, if I manage to be late or lost, my brain does little intracranial loops and tends to get a bit cross. But crossness in the face of your own stupidity is a waste of time and energy – you need to save crossness for things that are important. I started to feel just a tad uneasy when I could not find my flight in the departure board, so I checked and double-checked, but no, it was not there. I walked up to the check in desk (which was suspiciously quiet) and asked: “Where do I go for this flight?” “Aberdeen” came the reply. I let that sink in for a while – looked at my ticket and felt pretty stupid. There I was, in Glasgow airport, looking at a ticket to Orkney from Aberdeen airport. A mere 3 hours away by road – and the flight was depart...