Past Participle

Each footstep brings the sea nearer. Each footstep makes the sound of the waves grow louder. The horizon pulls closer and its importance grows. You cannot escape the pull of the water. The small island state of a larger island country continent is a good place to think about the sea. By the time you reach the forth line of the national anthem you will have found at least two things. Firstly you will have found the word “girt” – a word that is not in common usage today, and may never have been in the past. It is apparently the past participle of the verb “gird”, which is the kind of definition that surpasses my understanding. But it means to surround – and the line in the anthem has Australia girt by sea. The second thing you will have discovered is the remarkable prescience of the author of the song. Not only did he (for it probably was a he) recognize that Australia would be built on the resources that could ...