On walking

It was, apparently, a Webber B fracture. If it had not been for the fact that my ankle was hurting, I would have only been able to guess what part of my body that referred to. In a disarming act of honesty, my GP admitted the same thing. Dr. Google soon provided a more detailed answer. If you looked at the X-Ray you could see a faint line, running across most of the bone, just up from the base of my left fibula. But you had to look really, really hard. It did not occur to me at the time to ask if this counted as a broken ankle. Was it just a cracked bone? And is a cracked bone a broken ankle? How much of a break does it need to be before it counts as a real break? I remain ignorant on this issue. I had been running back from dinner with H, racing Sal and P back to the room. A classic “it seemed like a good idea at the time” sort of activity. Somehow I managed to overlook the fact that it was basically dar...