Afraid of moonlight? Afraid of sunlight?

A Moon from a different sky “There dragons and beasties out there in the night to snatch you if fall” (Ian Anderson – No Lullaby) “Uncountable” takes on a whole new depth of meaning when you look at the stars in a truly dark sky. Numbers fail. Metaphor becomes needed, but still falls short. Without the drowning background of streetlights, headlights and unused office lamps the faintest stars come out and the sky fills and fills. It’s a sight of astounding beauty and wonder. It brings a feeling of smallness, but not in a way that makes me feel lessened. It brings a feeling of remarkableness, but not in way that needs explanation in the fanciful. I stand there in the darkness and look into the near infinity of space and know the importance of the things that I hold close, and the wonderful possibility of the things that are far away. And out of the darkness a voice says: “Stay close by Jasper * , this is when the animal...