Perimeter Walk

It’s just before a quarter to seven in the morning; the temperature is over 25 0 C and the sky is streaked with pink, purple and orange clouds. It should be autumn, but it’s still summer. Waking to a temperature that exceeds the normal average maximum for the time of year is not the best way to start the day. Tea may sluice away some of the nights disturbance, but it does not make up for lost sleep. The roads are quiet even for this time of the morning. Most people are still asleep in what passes for the cool of the morning. I drive past a few houses where people stand in their gardens and, shaking their heads, look up the sky. Another week will have to slip by before we see temperatures in the teens, before sleep is cool and refreshing. The flags on the Westgate Bridge hang limp and unmoving as the sun burns away the cloud and sky turns from pale to bright. For me, it’s a well-worn path to the east, towards Queenscliff, towards a ...